How to import a xahau wallet, activate it and set up an EVR trustline at Gatehub

1. Log on to and sign in.
2. From the wallet home screen, select your wallet from the top left corner of the page and choose "Add Wallet."
3. Press "Add Wallet" and choose "Import Wallet on Xahau."
4. Choose a name for the wallet, enter your wallet’s secret key, and press "Create." (The wallet secret key is viewable under the "Advanced" tab from the wallet home screen.)
4. After selecting "Create," the Xahau account wallet dashboard will be displayed. This Xahau account uses the same r address and secret keys as the XRP Ledger wallet it was imported from.

Sending XAH to Activate the Xahau Account:
1. Send XAH tokens on the Xahau Network to the wallet to activate it.
2. You can send a minimum of 1 XAH to meet the base reserve requirement.

Setting the Evernode Trustline on the Xahau Network:
1. Select the "Advanced" tab from the wallet home page.
2. Scroll down to select "Trustlines" from the Xahau settings menu.
3. Select the Evernode trustline and enter your password to activate it. (Ensure you have at least 0.2 XAH available in the wallet to establish the trustline.)

Depositing EVR on Xahau to the Account:
1. Select "Add Funds" from the Xahau wallet home screen.
2. Choose "Evernode."
3. Scan the QR code from within the Xaman Wallet or copy and paste the r address into the destination field.
4. Once the transaction is signed, EVRs on Xahau will appear in the Gatehub wallet.

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