To get started, first open and unlock your Xaman wallet. From the Home Screen, select the xApps icon and scroll down to select the Xahau Import Tool.
Once you’ve read and understood the description, accept the terms and conditions and select next. Then choose next again to import the selected account into Xahau. Then press execute accountset to sign a transaction proving ownership of the account. After signing this XRP Ledger transaction, press next. Then, select import account. You’ll then be prompted to switch to the Xahau Network to sign the import transaction. After signing successfully, the import process is complete.
To toggle between the Xahau Network and the XRP Ledger Network, press the button in the upper right corner to change between networks.
Note: The same account and key can be used on both the XRP Ledger and the Xahau networks. No XRP are lost or burned by completing the Xahau account activation process other than the normal transaction fee, and once the process is complete you’ll be given 2 XAH tokens on the XAH network. 1 for an account reserve and 1 for the ability to set trustlines, create escrows, and more.
To set the trustline, you’ll first need to have activated your Xahau account. You’ll also need at least 0.2 XAH coins available to set the trustline, which are provided for free when you activate your Xahau account.
To get started setting the EVR trustline, first open your Xaman wallet and select the network icon in the upper right hand corner to switch to the Xahau network. Once on the Xahau Network, select the “Add” button to bring up the add a token screen. Here, select Evernode, then select the Evers token. Then at the bottom of the screen, select sign to add token. Once you’ve signed the transaction, setting the Evernode trustline is now complete.