How to Create a Xahau Wallet & Add an Evernode Trustline

Step 1: Download the Xaman App
1. To begin, you can download the Xaman Wallet app:
2. Once downloaded, open the app and select "Create a New Wallet."
3. Review the important information and press next.
4. You'll then be prompted to record your secret keys. These keys are highly sensitive, so make sure to store them securely.
5. Enter the keys and to confirm they’ve been recorded correctly.
6. Tap the network selection in the upper-right corner and choose Xahau.

Step 2: Activate Your Wallet
1. Select the blue "Activate your wallet" button, which will automatically activate it with 1 XAH.

Step 3: Deposit XAH
In order to add a trustline, we’ll need to send the wallet a small amount of XAH tokens, to meet the additional reserve requirement for the trustline. To deposit XAH to the wallet, you can send the tokens from an existing wallet:

1. Select "Send" in the existing wallet.
2. Enter the new wallet’s public address in the destination field.
3. Sign the transaction.

Step 4: Add the Evernode Trustline
1. Select "Add Asset."
2. Select Evernode as the issuer.
3. Choose Ever as the token.
4. Sign the transaction.
(Adding the trustline will place 0.2 XAH on reserve.)

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